Below the Surface

2014, photo album, photography, mixed media, wax, 27 x 19 x 8 cm

A surface is the outer shell of an object. A surface envelops, protects and conceals secrets. The leather cover of a book or photo album is, literally, the skin that protects the pages and thus also the contents. Since the invention of the camera, it has become a tradition in the Western world to preserve the collective memory of a family in photo albums and thus document one’s own origins. It was passed on from generation to generation.

However, the collective memory does not last (Aleida Assmann) and after three generations it has changed so much that a family album can lose its ideal value. I buy such family albums, which have obviously become worthless, at virtual flea markets. I dissolve their collective memory in order to create a new, universal one.

In this work I invite the viewer to cast their voyeuristic gaze into an unknown photo album. Page by page, layer by layer, he penetrates deeper beneath the surface of a cryptic narrative – a story that opens up to everyone in a different way.

This work is available as a physical object or video.

Home is Somewhere Else

2013, Photoalbum, mixed media, 34 x 21 x 6 cm, Mittelschwäbisches Heimatmuseum Krumbach, Art Award of the town of Krumbach

This work is based on the following statement:

“Home, once lost, is always somewhere else.”


At the heart of this work is the obsessive search for a place of identification and belonging. I describe it as a long car journey without arrival. For every apparent arrival makes one painfully aware that home is not where one has been looking for it.

The book is an old family album filled with my own photographs, mostly taken from a moving car and then given a digital patina. In this way, present and past, reality and fiction merge.

Utopia Lives Next Door

“25 years after the end of the Cold War, the political distance between Western Europe (e.g. Austria) and Eastern Europe (e.g. Romania) seems to be increasing again in many respects. But this distorts the fact that there is a lot of shared history, which already becomes evident when looking at the parallels between the cities of Vienna and Timisoara. For their piece Utopia lives next door, the authors move through both cities, inspired by the situationist concept of psychogeographical examination of urban environments by means of “dérive” the deliberately drifting walk through a city. The starting point of the excursions are the quarters Innere Stadt and Josefstadt – due to the shared history, both Vienna and Timisoara have districts with these names. From the field recordings thus collected, the authors compose the soundscape of a utopian city in which the difference between West and East has been erased. Woven into the composition are voice recordings from interviewees recalling instances of lived solidarity under difficult social and political circumstances in Vienna and Timisoara during different phases of the 20th century. Based on shared thematic motifs, the quotes are arranged into a quasi-dialogic relation to each other that offers a glimpse of the possibilities that were at hand, but were missed in the actual history of Austria and Romania. The speakers are Friederike Brenner (born in 1923 in Mödling near Vienna) and Johann Kassnel (born 1932 in Jahrmarkt near Timisoara).” (Gerald Fiebig)

Ansichtssache – the Postcard Project

2015, Videoinstallation, 10:30 min

A joint project with Antje Fischer and Marlies Achermann-Gisinger.

The handwritten, analogue postcard is a relic today – in the age of SMS and email.

In September 2014, we decided to start a joint postcard art project for the year 2015. Each of us was to design one postcard per day, free choice of technique and free choice of theme – that was the brief.

This video installation was also created within this framework. The visual source material is photographs of the backs of postcards, written on or blank, with traces of editing. The acoustic material is “field recordings” in our local post offices. This resulted in a sound composition of random or typical noises, dialogues and alienation elements.
