StartArt campaign

An art network project of the Moritzkirche

28 + 29.06.2024, each from 7 to 11 pm, LAST ORDER

5 + 6.07.2024, each from 7 to 11 pm, THE FINAL COUNTDOWN

E.I.P. Atelier, Äußeres Pfaffengäßchen 36, Augsburg – Cathedral Quarter



and find out more about the idea of the protective cover bunker project! We are looking for old bunkers in Augsburg and collecting images. In the studio, we are designing an exhibition concept in which this digital material will be staged with our own analog and digital works. Join us as we develop our art project experimentally

sponsored by STENT Moritzkirche Augsburg

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Playing with the things live on Stage

Sunday, 16.06., 8 pm

Stadttheater, Residenzstraße 66, 86633 Neuburg a.d.Donau

With: Miku Nishimoto-Neubert (piano), Monika Olszak (flute), Susanne Weinhöppel (vocals, harp), Erika Kassnel-Henneberg (video)

From traditional to experimental, from late romantic to artificial intelligence. As part of the accompanying program for GEDOKmünchen’s annual exhibition, five female artists create a performative evening of art in the theater using moving words, sounds and images.

Open Studio Days ’24

My garden studio is open to visitors again on Sat 8 and Sun 9.06.24, 12 to 6 pm. A warm welcome!

Also: “Zeitrauschen”, video screening on Sat 15.06.24, 6 pm in the Immanuel Protestant Church, Lindenstraße 20, 86420 Diedorf

Minorities, their Past, and their Cities:

A Conference on Urban Minority Cultures in the Non Metropolitan Cities of Europe

Invitation to the panel discussion on Sunday, 17.03.2024, 4.30 pm

As part of the International Weeks against Racism.

Organizer: Jewish Museum Augsburg Swabia

IN COOPERATION WITH THE AUGSBURG STATE TEXTILE AND INDUSTRIAL MUSEUM, THE BUKOWINA INSTITUTE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF AUGSBURG, the Chair of European Ethnology / Folklore and the Chair of the History of Germany’s Relationship with Eastern Europe at the Faculty of Philology and History at the University of Augsburg.

Art Cinema

Video art like in the movies? Why not? Relax and take in everything, listen, think, without distraction – this is not always possible at an art exhibition.

Where can this take place? In a movie theater, of course – maybe even a historic one? But also in many other places, such as a theater, church, town hall, garden – wherever there are suitable conditions for a video screening!

Here, however, you can lean back and be present with all your senses. Between the individual works, you will learn something about how they were created or my thoughts behind them. And of course there is plenty of room for questions and an exchange of experiences.

Artist Talk

StartArt campaign

The best opportunity to find out about a work of art first-hand is to talk to the artist. I am happy to talk about ideas and how they came about, or share little anecdotes. Visitors are invited to ask questions or get in touch with me in a personal conversation.

Vanitas to-go

StartArt campaign

Interaction with the audience

I invite visitors to take home their own portrait photo based on a baroque vanitas subject (vanitas, Latin for “vanity”).

What’s behind it?
We resurrect the baroque vanitas motif! The audience poses with a skull (-model) in front of my camera and can take the resulting Polaroid – a real work of art – home immediately for a fee.

You pose with a skull (model) in front of my camera.

You choose an individual “wallpaper” that is generated as a background using AI

20 minutes of tension until the Polaroid is developed

The unique piece is ready! A real work of art to-go!

To celebrate life and to smile in an entertaining way about the finiteness of our own existence.

Point of View

StartArt campaign

We live in an exciting time when technological developments are gathering pace. Some feel overwhelmed by it, some experiment with it thoughtlessly, and still others are somewhere in between. I try to playfully confront the viewer with it and involve him with simple questions. In doing so, I am primarily interested in making people think and become aware of their own point of view.

The analogue YES / NO votes with children’s toys are low-threshold, are visualised in real time and stand in contrast to the digital overload.

This is also the case, for example, in the work Deep Paula: the viewer is confronted with an old photograph that has been animated with the help of an AI application.

How “real” does that feel? Is it useful? What does this artificial liveliness still have in common with the real human being behind it? And what would “Paula” herself have said about it?

Would you be willing to bring a photo of a deceased loved one to “life” with the help of an AI application?

Result of the survey in the Uncanny Valley exhibition in the Neue Galerie in the Höhmannhaus :

Total visitors: 832
Of whom voted: 405
Yes votes: 119 | No votes: 286

Tricks 4 Kids

StartArt campaign

Various workshops and guided tours of exhibitions for children and young people.

Themes: Comics/ Mangas, Animation, Contemporary Art

Target group: Children and young people

Organisations: Augsburg Municipal Art Collections and Museums, Berufsverband bildender Künstler Schwaben Nord und Augsburg e.V., Stadtjugendring Augsburg, after school care for children Anhausen, etc.

Locations: KOSMOS Youth Centre, BBK Gallery at Abraxas, Modular, H2 Museum for Contemporary Art, Anhausen School.

You would like to book me for an art action / workshop?

Three Monkeys

StartArt campaign

Comfort zone? Fear of contact? Encounter! In September 2016, the DieZ opened – the Diedorf Centre for Encounter. Many courageous left their comfort zone and overcame their fear of contact in order to be
to be photographed by me and under my guidance.

Confucius would have liked that…