
An art network project of the Moritzkirche

28 + 29.06.2024, each from 7 to 11 pm, LAST ORDER

5 + 6.07.2024, each from 7 to 11 pm, THE FINAL COUNTDOWN

E.I.P. Atelier, Äußeres Pfaffengäßchen 36, Augsburg – Cathedral Quarter



and find out more about the idea of the protective cover bunker project! We are looking for old bunkers in Augsburg and collecting images. In the studio, we are designing an exhibition concept in which this digital material will be staged with our own analog and digital works. Join us as we develop our art project experimentally

sponsored by STENT Moritzkirche Augsburg

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Playing with the things live on Stage

Sunday, 16.06., 8 pm

Stadttheater, Residenzstraße 66, 86633 Neuburg a.d.Donau

With: Miku Nishimoto-Neubert (piano), Monika Olszak (flute), Susanne Weinhöppel (vocals, harp), Erika Kassnel-Henneberg (video)

From traditional to experimental, from late romantic to artificial intelligence. As part of the accompanying program for GEDOKmünchen’s annual exhibition, five female artists create a performative evening of art in the theater using moving words, sounds and images.

Open Studio Days ’24

My garden studio is open to visitors again on Sat 8 and Sun 9.06.24, 12 to 6 pm. A warm welcome!

Also: “Zeitrauschen”, video screening on Sat 15.06.24, 6 pm in the Immanuel Protestant Church, Lindenstraße 20, 86420 Diedorf

Minorities, their Past, and their Cities:

A Conference on Urban Minority Cultures in the Non Metropolitan Cities of Europe

Invitation to the panel discussion on Sunday, 17.03.2024, 4.30 pm

As part of the International Weeks against Racism.

Organizer: Jewish Museum Augsburg Swabia

IN COOPERATION WITH THE AUGSBURG STATE TEXTILE AND INDUSTRIAL MUSEUM, THE BUKOWINA INSTITUTE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF AUGSBURG, the Chair of European Ethnology / Folklore and the Chair of the History of Germany’s Relationship with Eastern Europe at the Faculty of Philology and History at the University of Augsburg.

AI and ART a3kultur-Salon


We discuss opportunities, risks and possibilities

“The technically feasible and its creative realization have always fascinated artists and audiences alike. The options created by AI catapult these possibilities to new levels.” (a3kultur)

When: Saturday, 20.01.2024, 6 to 7.30 pm.

Where: in the rooms of the BBK, Glaspalast, Am Glaspalast 1, 86153 Augsburg.

Invited guests: Tina Lorenz (digital theater pioneer, head of the Hertz Lab ZKM Karlsruhe), Alessandra Zarcone (professor of language technologies and cognitive assistance, TH Augsburg), Gerald Bauer (artist), Martina Vordermayer (designer, a3kultur author), Erika Kassnel-Henneberg (artist), Horst Thieme (literature, smart city expert).

Moderation: Jürgen Kannler (a3kultur).

Organizer: a3kultur in cooperation with BBK and Ständige Konferenz e.V.

Deep Paradise in St. Konrad

3. 11. to 3.12.2023

Vernissage on November 3 at 7 p.m. in St. Konrad, Bärenstr. 22, 86156 Augsburg, Germany.

Finissage on December 3.

The apple was and is in many cultures of high symbolic power: Be it as a symbol for eternal youth, eternal life, for love, fertility, paradise and fall of man. In this videoinstallation we circle around a golden apple. We recognize familiar places in the Bärenkeller (a district of Augsburg) in the background and on its reflecting surface. Like foreign bodies, two-dimensional portraits of various people float in it. Who are these people? The holy family? Our neighbors? They never existed, but are outputs of an artificial intelligence. Is this paradise on earth?


16th Culture Days of Diedorf

A C H T U N G K U N S T – Like cinema, but different.

When: 12.10.2023, 7 – 8.30 p.m.

Where: Diedorf community center, Europaplatz 1, 86420 Diedorf

Old photos that suddenly come to life, faceless dancers, human portraits created by artificial intelligence (AI) and eerie fairy tales … The videos of the Anhauser artist Erika Kassnel-Henneberg surprise and move. On this evening, she presents a selection of her works to the Diedorf audience, tells about the creation and ideas behind them, and thus gives very personal insights into her conceptual work. In 2022, she received the Art Prize of the Augsburg district for her complete works. The artist will be present.

Cuerpo Transparente 2022


WORK: TRANSPARENT BODY, performative video projection in real time.
PRESENT VENUE: Leonardo Favio Audiovisual Production Centre, Chacabuco 600, Bernal Buenos Aires.
Date/ Time: 17 December, 20 Hs .


Idea and direction: Marisol Bellusci
Curated by: Samara Pascual Migale and Marisol Bellusci
Critic: Marina Julieta Amestoy
Performance and videomapping design: Marisol Bellusci
Sound design: Nacho Lecs
Camera: Martin Julio
Streaming: Marco Barbieri
RRSS and graphic design: Zina Stepanczuk
Production: Logicanalogica

The intervention will be developed as follows:

When the sun goes down, the projection will be activated on the façade of the CPA Leonardo Favio. The performer will improvise with a software that supports audiovisual editing in real time. The participating works, partially or totally, will dialogue with each other and with the unpredictability of the environment itself.

All the artists selected in TRANSPARENT BODY will be invited to participate in the cycle “CT Archive” in El ParaVirtual, Virtual Cultural Centre. In this cycle each of the selected works will be broadcasted in full. @instagram