
An art network project of the Moritzkirche

28 + 29.06.2024, each from 7 to 11 pm, LAST ORDER

5 + 6.07.2024, each from 7 to 11 pm, THE FINAL COUNTDOWN

E.I.P. Atelier, Äußeres Pfaffengäßchen 36, Augsburg – Cathedral Quarter



and find out more about the idea of the protective cover bunker project! We are looking for old bunkers in Augsburg and collecting images. In the studio, we are designing an exhibition concept in which this digital material will be staged with our own analog and digital works. Join us as we develop our art project experimentally

sponsored by STENT Moritzkirche Augsburg

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Archive of Time

16. – 31.05.2024

Artists interpret historical sources from the city archive.

Welcome: Archive Director Kerstin Lengger

Greeting: Mayor Eva Weber

Artistic introduction: Beatrice Schmucker and Christofer Kochs

With Georg Bernhard, Paul Englmeier, Gerhard Fauser, Rainer Kaiser, Erika Kassnel-Henneberg, Christofer Kochs, Beatrice Schmucker, Jana Schwindel

City Archive, Zur Kammgarnspinnerei 11, Augsburg

Vernissage Wednesday 15.05.24, 18.30 hrs

Special opening hours: Tue to Fri 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Sat, Sun and public holidays 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.

A Room to Yourself


8.02. until 7.04.2024

Vernissage 7.02.2024, 6.30 pm

Stadthausgalerie, Marktstr. 12, 87527 Sonthofen

When a person leaves for good, she or he leaves many things behind. What happens to them? Are they kept? Are they given away? Sold? Thrown away? And what about those that can’t simply be disposed of, such as a room – his or her room. We had a room like that in my childhood home. A shrine of memories.

These rooms here describe the spatial dimension of remembering: old photographs are brought to life – Deep Paula and Post Mortem – an artificial, uncanny liveliness. Would you be willing to bring a photo of a deceased loved one to life – with the help of artificial intelligence?

What meaning does an old photo album have Below the Surface when there is no one left to tell the stories of these people? Can our imagination save them?

And then there are countless Letters from Utopia. Who still writes letters today? Here they are metaphorical bridges to a place of longing that only exists in our memories – a very personal Utopia. Science has taught us that memory is flawed. We leave traces, collect documents and photographs, and archive them. I see this as an existential doubt: who am I if I can’t trust memory? If I leave no traces, did I ever exist?

“In the exhibition “A room to yourself”, ten artists are showing works that deal with Virginia Woolf’s thoughts on feminism and gender differentiation in the broadest sense. The title refers to Woolf’s 1929 essay, which has been available as a German translation since 1978. The themes it contains, such as autonomy, self-development and creative freedom through various artistic disciplines, are still relevant today. A space, be it physical or metaphorical, functions as a home for the innermost thoughts and dreams. It offers the necessary freedom to unfold the inner monologue, to spin ideas and to connect them with creative impulses. The participating artists are members of GEDOKmünchen, an interdisciplinary association of women artists that has been active nationwide since 1926.”

Artists: Silke Bachmann, Renate Gehrcke, Erika Kassnel-Henneberg, Katharina Lehmann, Ina Loitzl, Herta Miessner, Christiane Pott, Martina Salzberg, Julia Smirnova, Olga Wiedenhöft

Curated by Uta Römer

Music: Anna Heller

75.Great Schwabian Art Exhibition


25.11.23 – 7.01.24, Halle 1 – Raum für Kunst im Glaspalast

Vernissage: Saturday, 25.11.2023, 11.00 am
Greetings: Martin Sailer, District President of the District of Swabia and patron
Jürgen Enninger, Head of Cultural Affairs of the City of Augsburg
Dr. Thomas Elsen, Augsburg Art Collections and Museums
Norbert Kiening, Chairman of the BBK Schwaben-Nord und Augsburg e.V.
Art award ceremony: Jürgen Enninger, Head of Cultural Affairs of the City of Augsburg

Deep Paradise in St. Konrad

3. 11. to 3.12.2023

Vernissage on November 3 at 7 p.m. in St. Konrad, Bärenstr. 22, 86156 Augsburg, Germany.

Finissage on December 3.

The apple was and is in many cultures of high symbolic power: Be it as a symbol for eternal youth, eternal life, for love, fertility, paradise and fall of man. In this videoinstallation we circle around a golden apple. We recognize familiar places in the Bärenkeller (a district of Augsburg) in the background and on its reflecting surface. Like foreign bodies, two-dimensional portraits of various people float in it. Who are these people? The holy family? Our neighbors? They never existed, but are outputs of an artificial intelligence. Is this paradise on earth?


More Theater!

20 female artists show their works on the theme “More theater!” Annual exhibition of the GEDOKmünchen.

Exhibition from 16.09.-29.10.2023

Opening: Friday, 15.09.2023, 6 p.m.
Welcome: Rasmus Kleine, Museum Director
Music: Karera Fujita – premiere contemporary singing, soprano solo and Monika Olszak – jazz interpretation, saxophone

Exhibition tour with artists: Oct. 29, 2023, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. (GEDOK patrons), 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. (public)

Gallery in the castle pavilion, Schloßstraße 1, 85737 Ismaning

Tuesday to Saturday 14:30 to 17 h, Sunday 13 to 17 h
or by appointment

Gallery in the Schlosspavillon Ismaning, 2023. Photo: Julia Milberger

With works by: Silke Bachmann – Ursula Bolck-Jopp – Teresa Dietrich – Dorothea Dudek – Renate Gehrcke – Sabine Groschup – Cordula Hofmann-Molis – Claude Jones – Erika Kassnel-Henneberg – Carmen Kordas – Augusta Laar – Katharina Lehmann – Antje Lindner – Nina Annabelle Märkl – Ulrike Prusseit – Charlotte Simon – Julia Smirnova

“Artificial worlds as a contrast or correction to “real life” are not an invention of the present. Models that take up themes of the everyday in order to place them on a stage or in a fictitious space have existed as long as there have been people. Artists who playfully – that is, according to their own rules and without coercion from outside – express their creativity and develop their individual style. Artificial worlds – according to Friedrich Schiller – that “dream away real ones” have not only existed since the invention of computer games and avatars. “Don’t make such a fuss?” Yes it does: we conquer the stages with pictures, drawings, mixed media, videos, sculptures, installations and performance.”

16th Culture Days of Diedorf

A C H T U N G K U N S T – Like cinema, but different.

When: 12.10.2023, 7 – 8.30 p.m.

Where: Diedorf community center, Europaplatz 1, 86420 Diedorf

Old photos that suddenly come to life, faceless dancers, human portraits created by artificial intelligence (AI) and eerie fairy tales … The videos of the Anhauser artist Erika Kassnel-Henneberg surprise and move. On this evening, she presents a selection of her works to the Diedorf audience, tells about the creation and ideas behind them, and thus gives very personal insights into her conceptual work. In 2022, she received the Art Prize of the Augsburg district for her complete works. The artist will be present.