ONED Art/Experimental Film Festival

30.08.2023, Beijing / China

3.01.2024 Toulouse / France

“ONED was founded in 2019, We focuses on unconventional images, experiments, and extreme themes. From 2023 the official selection will be screened in China, and France. We cooperate with China’s largest experimental culture company, Toulouse Art Fair in France. Hope to normalize the unconventional.”

Mutter und Kind Videoplakat

Denver Digerati

The 8th annual Digerati Emergent Media Festival

14 – 17 September 2023, Denver / Colorado / USA

“(…)We showcase works that embrace experimentation and break free from traditional conventions, venturing into uncharted territories of storytelling and aesthetics. The artists and filmmakers we feature embody the spirit of exploration, pushing boundaries of what is possible and redefining the very nature of artistic creation.”

Colorful Swabia

Group exhibition on the occasion of the 70th birthday of the district of Swabia

21.07. – 24.09.2023

Vernissage: Thursday 20.07.2023 7pm

Swabian Gallery in the Museum Oberschönenfeld

Participating artists: Horst Heilmann, Brigitte Heintze, Stephan Huber, Klaus Konze, Harry Meyer, Erika Kassnel-Henneberg, Ingeborg Prein, Cornelia Rapp und Martin Wich, Karl Siegfried Büchner, Hartmut Pfeuffer, Dieter Olaf Klama

Artikel A3Kultur

Artikel Augsburger Allgmeine Zeitung

House of New Realities

– Pop-Up-Museum & Collective Artwork

Vernissage: 22 July 2023, 4 to 8 pm

Finissage: 8 August 2023 (Augsburg Peace Festival), 1 to 4 p.m.

Exhibition dates:

22 / 23 July
29 / 30 July
5 / 6 August
each from 4 to 8 p.m.

Vanitas to-go dates:

23 July / 6 August, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. each day


Bäckergasse 4a + b, 86150 Augsburg

Photo: Helena Makarenko

little ghost room in the flat-share Anima


The HOUSE OF NEW REALITIES is a pop-up museum, a collective artwork, an experimental field and a venue in the heart of Augsburg. It takes place as part of the High Peace Festival – a special holiday that only exists in Augsburg. For this, 55 creative minds will occupy a vacant house at Bäckergasse 4. We will form creative living communities and thus lead through our visions, dreams and nightmares of the future with a thematic thread. In addition to exhibitions in the rooms, there will also be a café to linger in, as well as numerous accompanying events and workshops.

“We hope that the work of many groups and people will become visible and tangible in the HOUSE OF NEW REALITIES. We hope that visitors will walk through the pop-up museum with a smile because they are looking forward to this future. At the same time, we want to create creative structures for the development process so that the participants in the HOUSE OF NEW REALITIES can experience empowerment, visibility and networking.” House of New Realities by Bluespots Productions


I “live” in the flat-sharing community “Anima” with 7 other artists and activists. The aim is to have the courage to deal with unpleasant topics, including accepting death as part of life. In my room I show the site specific video installation Post Mortem @honr as a large projection on one wall, next to it Deep Vanitas. The installation can be experienced during the usual exhibition dates.

Art Campaign Vanitas to-go

I invite visitors to take home their own portrait photo – a Polaroid I will take of them, of course – based on a baroque vanitas subject.

TransHumance – Toward the precipitation of Self

19 June – 9 July 2023

CON-TEMPORARY Art Observatorium

Corso Buenos Aires 42 11, Lavagna / IT

Exhibition view, CON-TEMPORARY Art Observatorium, Lavagna 2023. Photo: Tepes Montini

“Wearable high-tech, augmented reality, cybernetic prostheses, microchip implants, are the first steps of the transhumanism that herds human beings like cattle toward an alleged human-machine singularity. Does the human being desires to be free from the natural body’s caducity? What is the meaning of preserving the individual’s intellect in cyberspace? Which perspectives would immortality offer? Wouldn’t be more desirable to train our natural body and our innate potentialities relying on the resources and rebirth capability offered by nature?

The group art exhibition curated by Abramo Tepes Montini features digital and traditional painting, photography, graphics and video artworks by Iryna Calinicenco, Bobby Kim Ling Chen, Andrew Cheung, Martin Del Carpio, Elina, Ian Haig, Magdalena Hejzlarová, Erika Kassnel-Henneberg, Lucien.Art, Jeremy Pellington, Nina Sumarac, Shaharee Vyaas and Andrzej Wojciechowski.

In the previous group exhibition, entitled Escapism, we addressed the issue about the always more penetrating and totalitarian oppression and control exerted on the individual by the political and governmental system, which implements the old method of “carrot and stick” to forcedly push the masses. If the “stick” is oppression, TransHumance wants to investigate one of the brand new “carrots” that today the system of power tries to feed to peoples: the trivial benefits of a transition toward the digitalisation and the artificial sophistication of the person, as a prodrome of transhumanism, leading to epochal anthropological implications and prime philosophic and ethical dilemmas.

The transhumanism would be an ideology that, starting from the union between man and the robotic and/or computer machine into the so-called “singularity”, would shift mankind toward another phase, a goal: the post-humanism, that is an era where the natural human being will be outdated, extinct, evolved into something that will not be human any more, since the prefix post- itself always specify the end of an era, in this case of the human being.” Text: Tepes Montini

video excerpts

Photography in Transition

Exhibition duration: Sat 8.7. – Sun 13.8. (Wed – Sun each 14:00-17:00)

Where: Stadthausgalerie, Marktstraße 12, 87527 Sonthofen, Germany

Participating artists:

Felix Huber, Bella Kilian, Christoph Franke, Wolf Heider-Sawall, Erika Kassnel-Henneberg, Tobias Melle, Margret Paal, Lothar Schiffler, Max Schmelcher, Kees van Surksum, Dietmut von Funk and Olaf Wiehle

curated by Uta Römer (GEDOK)

The art gallery run by the town of Sonthofen shows a diverse spectrum of contemporary art in changing exhibitions on an area of around 500 m². The StadtHausGalerie team is happy to provide information about the exhibition program by telephone or in person during opening hours. Free guided tours are also available for school classes by appointment on mornings.

Open Studio Days

I cordially invite you to discover, linger and personally exchange! Public screening in the garden (therefore only in good weather! You can see whether the screening is taking place here)

When: 25 June 2023, 3 to 6 p.m.

Where: Zeisigweg 6, 86420 Diedorf / Anhausen

Flyer, invitation card

more information:

Virtual tour:

Accompanying group exhibition of all participating artists

Vernissage: Saturday 17.06.2023, 4.30 pm

Where: Harry Meyer Studio, Kirchberg 3, 86459 Gessertshausen-Wollishausen

Participating Artists:

Daniel Biskup, Hannes Goullon, Andrea Groß, Brigitte Heintze, Jan W. Junghanss, Erika Kassnel-Henneberg, Norbert Kiening, Harry Meyer, Andrea Sandner, Beatrice Schmucker, Alexandra Vassilikian, Christina Weber

Vernissage on 17.06.2023, Atelier Harry Meyer, opening by Cultural Commissioner Carina Kaminski and District Administrator Martin Sailer

Cuerpo Transparente 2023

When: June 23, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. (Arg)

Where: National University of Arts – Critical Arts Aréa, Buenos Aires / AR

“We are happy to announce a new edition of Cuerpo Transparente. It will be in the National University of Arts – Critical Arts Aréa, (Bs. As) on June 23, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. (Arg) and we are selected your work to be part of the intervention. It will be face-to-face and virtual.”

more information:

Utopia on the Horizon

StartExhibitionPage 2

In 2022, the Augsburg District Art Prize in the category of two-dimensional visual arts was awarded for the first time to two artists: Andrea Sandner, who uses colourful stripes to create multi-layered colour spaces in her paintings, and Erika Kassnel-Henneberg, who reflects on complex themes such as memory, identity and homeland in her overall multimedia work. The special exhibition at the Swabian Gallery is thus dedicated to two artists from the Augsburg district who could hardly be more different.

Am Horizont Utopia invites you to engage in the contemplative effect of Andrea Sandner’s Horizons and Poles, to follow the visual rhythm of the colour sounds. In the context of this important group of works, other series by the artist such as architectures and overpainted photographs are shown.

The large room on the upper floor offers an insight into Erika Kassnel-Henneberg’s diverse oeuvre. In video works, collages and objects, the Romanian-born artist deals not only with role models, but also with her own origins, the question of identity and the significance of memories.

Virtual tour

12 May until 2 July 2023

Special exhibition on the occasion of the Augsburg County Art Award 2022, Erika Kassnel-Henneberg and Andrea Sandner Art Award Winners of the County of Augsburg

Vernissage: Thursday, 11 May 2023, 7 pm
Swabian Gallery in the Oberschönenfeld Museum, Oberschönenfeld 4, 86459 Gessertshausen


Vernissage on 11.05.2023