76. Great Schwabian Art Exhibition

30.11.24 to 5.01.25, Hall 1 – Room for Art in the Glaspalast, Augsburg

Vernissage 30.11.24 at 11 am

Participating artists:

Anten-Dittmar Marie-Luise, Bader Elisabeth, Becker Winfried, Bertoldo Ragela, Biet Peter, Braxmeier Anita, Broy Susan, Carr Terence, Daum Gudrun, Dudek Dorothea, Eger Jochen, Fischer Gabriele, Fischer Stefan, Fliege Klaus, Frank Gisela, Gatscher Horst, Gold Eva, Gorcks Susanne, Hauser Ebby, Heintze Brigitte, Hofmann-Brand Christine, Holzmann Herbert, Jakob Karin, Junghanß Peter, Junghanss Jan Walter, Kagerer Conny, Kaiser Rainer, Kammerer Daniela, Kassnel-Henneberg Erika, Kirkpatrick-Russ Carmen, Kleber Georg, Kollmannsberger Petra, Kretschmer Herbert, Lemmerz Inge, Lockstaedt Gabriele, Macalik Henriette, Manea Anda, Mesmer Liliana, Metz Christine, Münch-Metzner Sigrid, Park sunghyun, Reiter Christine, Ribka Gerhard, Rinner Lois, Rogat Marc, Roth Erwin, Rüth Jochen, Samal-Anzer Sandra, Scheidle Jeannette, Scheindling Ilan, Scherer Uschi, Schultes Monika Maria, Siemons Julia, Sing Thoma, Sintern Robby, Stachora Gerhard, Thoma Jo, von Winkler Gertrud, Weber Brigitte, Wehmeier Stefan, Wiedemann Hans, Wieland Elke, Wieser Regina, Zahn Rosa, Zaniewska-Bibileishvili Marta, Zeilhofer Nina, Zembrod Cornelia, Zimmermann Rudolf

75.Great Schwabian Art Exhibition


25.11.23 – 7.01.24, Halle 1 – Raum für Kunst im Glaspalast

Vernissage: Saturday, 25.11.2023, 11.00 am
Greetings: Martin Sailer, District President of the District of Swabia and patron
Jürgen Enninger, Head of Cultural Affairs of the City of Augsburg
Dr. Thomas Elsen, Augsburg Art Collections and Museums
Norbert Kiening, Chairman of the BBK Schwaben-Nord und Augsburg e.V.
Art award ceremony: Jürgen Enninger, Head of Cultural Affairs of the City of Augsburg


Opening of the Great Swabian Art Exhibition, participating artists. Foto: Daniel Biskup

Participating artists:

Achter Emmeran, Ambos Marjanca, Anten-Dittmar Marie-Luise, Auer Barbara, Bammes Petra, Bauer Gerald, Blunck-Mader Verena, Brandt Roswitha, Braun Valentina/Zeilhofer Nina, Braxmeier Anita, Broy Susan, Cermak Nena, Coulin Florina, Dorn Brigitte, Dronova Ekaterina, Dudek Dorothea, Effinger Sabine, Eger Jochen, Egger Isolde, Eitel Beatrix, Engelien Eva, Fischer Ingrid Olga, Fischer Gabriele, Fischer Stefan, Fliege Klaus, Frank Gisela, Gais Henning, Geggerle-Lingg Ursula, Geßner Claudia, Goullon Hannes, Gross Andrea, Hauser Ebby, Hofmann-Brand Christine, Hölz Elisabeth, Hüttenkofer Heike, Imminger Bernd, Junghanß Peter, Kammerer Daniela, Kassnel-Henneberg Erika, Kleber Georg, Klug-Faßlrinner Dorothea, Konze Klaus, Krass Jürgen, Kretschmer Herbert, Kröger Thomas, Krusche Eva, Leimbeck-Rindle Ottilie, Lemmerz Inge, Lockstaedt Gabriele, Macalik Henriette, Mesmer Liliana, Meßmer-Steinmann Anne, Metz Christine, Meyer Harry, Müller Edda, Nölle-Wehn Iris, Odato Christian Amerigo, Oster Martin, Prinz Werner, Radek Eva, Riedl Benedikt, Riemann Harald, Rinner Lois, Röder Elisabeth, Rogat Marc, Scheindling Ilan, Schellenberger Katharina, Schmidbauer Nina, Schöndorfer Alice, Schreiner Johanna, Schulz Andreas Paul, Schuszter Turid, Sing Thomas, Sintern Robby, Stachora Gerhard, Stoller Carin, Stolz Gabriele, Thamm Gernot, Thoma Jo, Triftshäuser Eva Lucie, Vassilikian Alexandra, Velt Katharina, Waas-Pommer Uli, Wabato, Weggenmann Guido, Wehmeier Stefan, Winkler Hildegard, Winkler Stefan, Zak Ian

House of New Realities

– Pop-Up-Museum & Collective Artwork

Vernissage: 22 July 2023, 4 to 8 pm

Finissage: 8 August 2023 (Augsburg Peace Festival), 1 to 4 p.m.

Exhibition dates:

22 / 23 July
29 / 30 July
5 / 6 August
each from 4 to 8 p.m.

Vanitas to-go dates:

23 July / 6 August, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. each day


Bäckergasse 4a + b, 86150 Augsburg

Photo: Helena Makarenko

little ghost room in the flat-share Anima


The HOUSE OF NEW REALITIES is a pop-up museum, a collective artwork, an experimental field and a venue in the heart of Augsburg. It takes place as part of the High Peace Festival – a special holiday that only exists in Augsburg. For this, 55 creative minds will occupy a vacant house at Bäckergasse 4. We will form creative living communities and thus lead through our visions, dreams and nightmares of the future with a thematic thread. In addition to exhibitions in the rooms, there will also be a café to linger in, as well as numerous accompanying events and workshops.

“We hope that the work of many groups and people will become visible and tangible in the HOUSE OF NEW REALITIES. We hope that visitors will walk through the pop-up museum with a smile because they are looking forward to this future. At the same time, we want to create creative structures for the development process so that the participants in the HOUSE OF NEW REALITIES can experience empowerment, visibility and networking.” House of New Realities by Bluespots Productions



I “live” in the flat-sharing community “Anima” with 7 other artists and activists. The aim is to have the courage to deal with unpleasant topics, including accepting death as part of life. In my room I show the site specific video installation Post Mortem @honr as a large projection on one wall, next to it Deep Vanitas. The installation can be experienced during the usual exhibition dates.

Art Campaign Vanitas to-go

I invite visitors to take home their own portrait photo – a Polaroid I will take of them, of course – based on a baroque vanitas subject.

AI1: Uncanny Valley / Das unheimliche Tal


10 February to 26 March 2023, solo exhibition,
Neue Galerie in the Höhmannhaus, Augsburg Municipal Art Collections.

Vernissage: 9 February 2023, 7 pm

Artist talk: 23 February 2023, 6 pm

“Artificial intelligence as a key digital technology of the 21st century is already massively influencing the media information landscape. In the age of deep learning, we are increasingly confronted with AI-controlled applications that intervene in production and economic processes, that are used in medicine and opinion research, in techniques of industrial as well as personal surveillance, but also in digital entertainment fields. AI-controlled apps that generate beings that appear human are freely available. The trade-off between usefulness and risk is a central issue. What will a future balance between nature and technology look like, in which humans retain the upper hand as moderators of a humane society?

In a separate exhibition trilogy, three projects of the Neue Galerie im Höhmannhaus explore these questions. The first is by the Augsburg video artist Erika Kassnel-Henneberg. In her artistic research, she is primarily on the trail of the so-called “Uncanny Valley”. The term was coined by the Japanese robotics professor Masahiro Mori (*1927) as early as the 1970s and refers to a hypothesis about our acceptance of artificial, humanoid figures: the more human a figure looks and appears, the higher its acceptance – but only up to a certain point, from which a sudden rejection attitude sets in with the viewer. This phenomenon, known as “Uncanny Valley”, and the feelings associated with it are not the same for everyone. Is there such a thing as an inner social rejection mechanism that intuitively wants to protect us from the “fake” of invented, human-like beings?” https://kunstsammlungen-museen.augsburg.de/uncanny-valley

Exhibition texts in English


Virtual tour

“Even as a child, I never liked looking at wax figures. They looked kind of creepy to me. At that time, electronic prosthetic hands were developed, which triggered the same feeling in me. These experiences got me thinking about robots in general, which led me to write this essay. The Uncanny Valley was my intuition.” Masahiro Mori about „The Uncanny Valley“


Artisttalk, 23 February 2023

74th Great Swabian Art Exhibition

26 November 2022 – 8 January 2023

Vernissage on 26.11.2022 at 11 a.m.

Halle 1,
H2 – Museum of Contemporary Art,
Beim Glaspalast 1,

Participating Artists

Lioba Abrell, Marie-Luise Anten-Dittmar, Verena Blunck-Mader, Anita Braxmeier, Florina Coulin, Lycien-David Cséry, Brigitte Dorn, Ekaterina Dronova, Dorothea Dudek, Maxwell Dunlop, Jochen Eger, Isolde Egger, Eva Engelien, Thomas Fackler, Gisela Frank, Wolf Gruber, Gabriele Gruss-Sangl, Ebby Hauser, Christian Hof, Bernd Hohlen, Jürgen Hörauf, Gabriele Hornauer, Ulrike Hüppeler, Heike Hüttenkofer, Peter Junghanss, Rainer Kaiser, Daniela Kammerer, Erika Kassnel-Henneberg, Mariella Kerscher, Wolfgang Keßler, Georg Kleber, Friederike Klotz, Thomas Kroeger, Inge Lemmerz, Hélène Lindqvist, Gabriele Lockstaedt, Henriette Macalik, Christa Maria Marschall, Karl Maure, Liliana Mesmer, Christine Metz, Sigrid Münch-Metzner, Tanja Popp, Maria Prinz, Werner Prinz, Andrea Reiners, Christine Reiter, Gerhard Ribka, Marc Rogat, Erwin Roth, Jochen Rüth, Sandra Samal-Anzer, Andrea Sandner, Jeannette Scheidle, Ilan Scheindling, Katharina Schellenberger, Otto Scherer, Alice Schöndorfer, Stephanie Sixt, Gabriele Stolz, Ting Tan-Mayershofer, Andreas Vogler, Stefan Wehmeier, Josef Wehrle, Elke Wieland, Gertrud von Winckler, Hildergard Winkler, Nina Zeilhofer, Rudolf Zimmermann.




A.TV about the Great Swabian

Local Shiftings

An exhibition by Eri Kassnel, Jakob Krattiger and Gerald Fiebig

27.01. – 28.03.2017, New Gallery in the Höhmannhaus Augsburg

“Contrary to popular usage, places are not only determined by their location in space, but also in time. This exhibition presents three artistic positions that start from the (photographic or auditory) documentation of real places. What all positions have in common is that they integrate the spatially clearly defined place into a process that shows: the place has different identities depending on the time in which one perceives it.” Gerald Fiebig


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Artists help the homeless 2013

16.03. – 14.04.2013, Toskanische Säulenhalle, Augsburg

“Two topics regularly make me fall silent: Art and deep poverty. Both spaces that I enter only cautiously so as not to be recognised as a stranger. But both also challenge me to redefine my view of the world. Art helps to cross the border to poverty. Poverty often hides, but art forces us to look.”

from the opening speech

Artists help the homeless 2012

12. – 24.Juni 2012, Toskanische Säulenhalle Augsburg

“As a homeless person, I had a great experience. In January. It was cold. I went into the Leopold Mozart Conservatory. It was warm there. I was afraid of being thrown out. I wasn’t dressed appropriately, after all. Then I listened to this free concert. Wonderful. It went on around eleven. Then it got sad: there was still snow. I was still outside. People were going home. And I just didn’t have any.”

Quote from the Augsburg Winter Journey ( Basilica St. Ulrich & Afra, Augsburg) Song cycle by Franz Schubert with life stories of homeless and socially excluded people an art project by Stefan Weiller